Folk Music

Co-ordinator: Maria Hughes

Folk is a term used to describe all sorts of musical, oral and cultural traditions from specific regions and societies around the world. Folk comes from the German word ‘volk’ meaning ‘the people’ and folk music is often thought of as being the music belonging to ‘the people’.


This year’s Folk Music course differs from that of previous years, in that we are experimenting with a self-run course. Students will be given a framework and guidance, but will work co-operatively to teach and learn during the course.


Students will be asked to share one or more pieces of folk music with the group, explaining anything they have been able to discover about its origins and significance and why they have picked it. Each student can share by performing the piece or playing a recording of it, and any copying of music, words, etc. will be organised by the Summer School.


Folk Music is open to both singers and musicians, of all abilities.

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